
Here’s your roadmap for the quarter!

  • Readings are supplemental to each lecture session
  • Assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the day they are due
  • Class materials (slides, in-class activities, etc.) will be added on the day of class

Please note that this schedule is tentative. I want us to learn concepts, rather than have a lot of material.

Part 1: tidyverse Basics Reading Assignment Class
January 11 Part 1: Introduction to course/expectations, Intro to R/RStudio, Functions, Vectors, Data Types
January 18 Part 2: Loading Data, data.frames, and ggplot2
January 25 [NO CLASS, ASYNCHRONOUS VIDEOS] Part 3: dplyr: subsetting using filter()/select()
February 1 Part 4. dplyr: mutate(),across(), case_when(), factors, ggplot2 boxplots, facets, scales
February 8 Part 5. summarize() and group_by(), doing things with multiple tables (left_join() etc), reshaping data (i.e. pivot_longer())
February 8 Take Home Midterm Assigned
Part 2: Intermediate Topics Reading Assignment Class
February 12 Part 6. Intro to functions, working with lists
February 19 Take home midterm due
February 22 Part 7: Functions/batch processing/purrr
March 1 Part 7: Functions/batch processing/`purrr
March 8 Part 8. Intro to stats/formulas/broom/More Purrr
March 13 Final Project Assigned
March 15 Part 8. Intro to stats/formulas/broom/More Purrr
March 22 No Class, Office Hour
March 24 Final Project Due